Transcript Request
Please remember to plan appropriately when requesting a transcript. Transcripts are processed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ONLY. For a request to be processed the same day (Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays only), the request must be received in the counseling office prior to 8:30 AM. All other requests will go out on the next transcript processing day.
Current WCHS Students
Complete a Current Student Transcript Request Form. You must be logged into your Wilsonk12tn Google account to complete the form. Make sure you have applied to the colleges listed before requesting a transcript. Colleges need an admissions application on file to match with the transcript. There is no cost to presently enrolled students.
WCHS Graduates
Complete the Google form below. Requests can only be completed if you are a graduate of Wilson Central High School in Lebanon, TN.