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Our Mission

The mission of Wilson Central High School is to prepare students to become successful and productive citizens by providing educational opportunities and experiences in a venue Where Challenge Heightens Success.

Our Vision

We challenge ALL who enter these doors to strive successfully to meet the mission and beliefs of WCHS.

Our Belief


Partners in Learning
Real World Training
Inspire Through Example
Driven by Values
Excellence is Created

Alma Mater

  • Let them see across the sky 
    That our banner rises high. 
    Proudly over the hill and vale, 
    May your strength, it never fail. 
    May your knowledge serve us well 
    And of excellence to tell. 
    Oh all together, raise the song 
    Of victory to sing. 
    Oh hail to thee our Alma Mater, 
    Central's praises ring!

    The WCHS is an original composition by Alum David Gal-Chis


Dr. Jennifer Ankney, Principal

Before becoming principal at Wilson Central High School, Dr. Ankney served as our assistant principal for four years. After graduating with her bachelor's degree in education from Penn State, she moved to Virginia where she taught preschool special education for two years. Dr. Ankney got married and moved to middle Tennessee, where she worked as a special education teacher in Smith County. Three years later, she began working as a special education teacher at Mount Juliet Middle School. She obtained her master’s degree from Carson-Newman University and was a middle school instructional coach for two years, serving West Wilson Middle School, Carroll-Oakland, and Tuckers Crossroads. She was hired as a high school assistant principal in 2018 and has been at WCHS since. She received her Educational Specialist degree and Doctorate from Carson Newman last year. She values education and loves learning.

Dr. Ankney is married to husband Jerry and has two children, Jerry Jr. and Jamie. Both boys go to Rutland Elementary. Dr. Ankney loves to read, watch her boys play baseball, and travel to bluegrass festivals in the summer.