Citing Sources
Citing Sources
The Purdue Online Writing Lab offers several tips in all aspects of the writing process, including but not limited to, citing sources in MLA and APA format.
The following citation generators are great, but don't forget to double check their suggested citations against what you instructor expects. Handouts are available in the WCHS library to help with APA or MLA format.
Remember, MLA format will be used when citing for English or Humanities. APA format is used to cite within the area of Science/Social Sciences.
MyBib is a new FREE bibliography and citation generator that makes accurate citations for you to copy straight into your academic assignments and papers.
KnightCite is an interactive web tool designed to assist high school, college, and university students in creating proper works cited pages.
BibMe offers both automatic and manual citation. If you input the ISBN number (the 13 digit number located on the back of the book near the barcode), BibMe will automatically create your citation.
Citation Machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information they use. Citation Machine is a great option for APA format.
At EasyBib, you'll find links that explain how to create the major types of citations used for works cited lists. Included is a description of the source, the structure of formatting, and some helpful examples.