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Community Update February 2, 2025

Good evening, Wildcat Families!

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

There is no school for students on February 14 (teacher work day) and February 17 (Presidents Day).

Parent Teacher Conferences are on February 19th from 4-6 PM.

January Wildcat Excellence
Congratulations to our January Wildcat Excellence winners!
Academics- perfect scores on Algebra 2 EOC- John Abdo and Rebisha Alex
Athletics- Senior Boy Bowlers
Service- Aderinsola Adebiyi, Kayleigh Loveday
CTE- Clayton Sanders
Arts- Jerzy Toombs, Emily York
Teachers- Lanita Harris, Shelby Rich, Sheila Porter, Eric Lawrence
Faculty- Sarah Reece, Casey Brown, Macieo Gaines, Officer Locke

ACT News
I am so proud to share the ACT average for the class of 2025 with you. We have built a culture where the ACT matters, and I am so proud of the work students and staff have put in! We have the highest ACT average of all the high schools in our county.
Here is a breakdown of the averages by high school-
Lebanon High School- 19.2
Watertown- 19.3
Green Hill- 21.2
MJHS- 21.3
WCHS- 21.7!!!

School Goals- Raise the Rock!
- Raise achievement and growth for all students on EOCs in English 1, English 2, Biology, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry.
- ACT- The senior class will raise the ACT average from 19.7 to 21.
- Achieve under 20% for Chronic Absenteeism.
- Continue pursuit of Ready Graduate for students, encouraging industry certifications. Continue encouraging students to enroll in Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment classes. Achieve continued growth and success rate for students in AP courses.
- Continue building a school culture where we hold students and staff accountable.

Our theme this year is “Raise the Rock.” We want to raise expectations and accountability for all students to help them experience success in academics, arts, service, and athletics.

Updated Tardy Policy
We expect students to be in their classrooms when the school day begins at 8:30.
Tardy 1-5 Lunch detention
Tardy 6-10 —3/4 period ISS only
Tardy 11-15 ISS all day per event
Tardy 16+  Admin. Discretion

Food Truck Friday – Student Reward Days!
Food Truck Fridays are an incentive for excellent attendance and behavior at WCHS! We will monitor your child’s attendance and behavior during each of the nine weeks. Please ensure you turn in Parent and Doctor’s notes when your child is absent! Students can earn the incentive by meeting these qualifications:
Zero unexcused absences
No more than five excused absences
No whole-day ISS/OSS
No BTA (during those 9 weeks)

Student Reward Days- March 28th, May 16th (tentative)

Food Trucks in attendance:
Roasted Coconut
Smokin Butz
Traveling Tom’s Coffee Truck
Kona Ice
The Chicken Shack
Buns on the Run
Chicken and Bones
Mean Green Ice Cream Machine
Tennessee Tater Cakes
Hot Dog Mama

Senior News
Graduation is Friday, May 23, at 6 pm at The Murphy Center at MTSU.

Must do: 

Need a transcript sent? Click Transcript Request - Wilson Central High School

Scholarship information: Click Financial Aid/Scholarships/College Resources - Wilson Central High School

Buy a WCHS yearbook now at Once we sell out, we are sold out! Buy yours now! Even though it's only January, we have already sold 500 with only 200 left until we are sold out! (There are 1700 students at WCHS)
Contact Mrs. Agee at for any questions!

Important- District Attendance Policy
Excused Absences
A student's absence will be considered excused if one of the following applies:
Personal injury or illness
2. Illness of an immediate family member, with immediate family defines as a parent, sibling, or grandparent
3. Death of an immediate family member or other individual with the principal's permission
4. Extreme weather conditions
5. Religious observances
6. College or postsecondary visits
7. Pregnancy
8. School-sponsored or endorsed activities
9. Parent/Guardian military deployment or return
10. Summons, subpoenas, or court orders

Documentation for School Absences
Written documentation supporting reasons for absences must be submitted to the school within three (3) school days.  Even though a parent may verbally contact the school, a written notice must also be sent to the school or e-mailed to the attendance clerk, Ann Mullins- Written documentation must include the reason for the absence, date, time, parent signature, and phone number. After the three (3) days have elapsed, the absences will become permanently unexcused.
Please note that vacations do not fall under the excused category.

To ensure students are safely and accurately checked out during the school day, we will be implementing the following-

Student Drivers:
Paper notes for early dismissal must be turned in before 10 am on the day of dismissal.
Skyward notifications must be submitted before 11 am on the day of dismissal.

All Students:
No student can be signed out after 3 pm without approval from the administration.

End-of-Course (EOC) Testing Information and School Accountability
I am emphasizing the importance of the EOCs because our school and our teachers are held accountable for how our students do on these assessments. We get a report card grade made public that reflects how we did on the exams. Each week, in the Community Update, I celebrate all of the great things happening at our school. Our growth and achievement in some areas of the EOCs last year do not accurately reflect our students' capabilities. We need your help to make sure your children are engaged in their classes and doing their best on the exams. These tests help us assess how students are progressing academically. -Dr. Ankney

What is EOC Testing?
End-of-course (EOC) testing is a state-mandated standardized assessment method used to measure students' proficiency and understanding of specific subject areas. We have EOC testing in English 1, English 2, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Biology. The tests are computer-based. Students take these exams in December for fall semester courses and April/May for spring semester courses.

What is TE21 Testing?
TE21 testing is a district-mandated standardized assessment method used in much the same way as EOC’s. They are given in the same subject areas for real-time feedback to help your child and our teachers prepare for the EOC. These tests are also computer-based and are taken 1-2 times per EOC course to help guide our teachers in instruction and maximize your child’s learning in class.

The purpose of the exams-
* To evaluate student learning and achievement
* To assess the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction
* To ensure students meet state-mandated standards
* To provide data for school and district accountability
Scoring and Results-
* Scores are typically reported as scale scores or performance levels (1, 2, 3, or 4)
* Results affect course grades and graduation requirements
* Tennessee uses EOC results for teacher and school evaluations

State and Federal Accountability in Tennessee
In Tennessee, EOC testing plays a crucial role in both state and federal accountability measures. The most public recognition of how EOC testing affects our school is through the published Letter Grade that our school receives each year. The image attached shows how the letter grades for all TN High Schools are calculated. Both Growth and Achievement measures are calculated from EOC data. While these tests may not affect your child’s overall grade significantly, it is vital to the image of our school.

AP & Counselor Assignment
9th Grade AP: Sydney Seat (
9th Grade Counselor: Heather Poland (
10th Grade AP: Jason Franklin (
10th Grade Counselor: Anna Smith (
11th Grade AP: Audrey Harrington (
11th Grade Counselor: Dustin Cabassa (
12th Grade AP: Patrick Nash (
12th Grade Counselor: Lauren Fung (
Graduation Coach: Lori Shelton (

It’s a great day to be a Wildcat! Have a great week!

Dr. Ankney